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Omer Fundraising Campaign

Counting Our Blessings During the Omer
Our dear teacher Rabbi Yosef Lopez has emphasized that the Omer period was once very much a joyous time of celebration and giving.  It’s time to return to that feel.  We began the 49 day journey of counting the days and weeks of the Omer on the second night of Passover and will conclude with a celebration on the holiday of Shavuot. 

Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler said one of the great transformative  goals of the Torah is to nurture us into being givers rather than takers, and that "we love those to whom we give”.

When we give to our Shul we increase our feelings of love which catapults us towards the feelings of joy and jubilation. Please help us actualize the potential of Bet Shalom by helping us make our ends meet! We only need to raise another $14, 984 to meet our annual fundraising goal! 

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Our Board Members Share Why They Love Bet Shalom

Gratitude to All Who Have Contributed! Please Help Us Reach Our Omer Fundraising Goal by Shavuot!

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It is most helpful to set up your giving on a regular monthly, quarterly or annually. To do this,

1. Log in to your account on this website by clicking the Login button at the top right.

2. If you don't know your password, simply reset it.

3. Click on Donate.

4. Payment is "a donation"

5. Choose the amount you want to give monthly, quarterly or annually.

6. Under "Pay this amount" choose Indefinitely.

7. In the next dropdown, choose the quantity of time (paid monthly, paid every 3 months, paid annually.)

8. Choose your starting date.

9. This can be changed at any time by logging in or calling the office for help.


Counting Our Blessings During the Omer
Our dear teacher Rabbi Yosef Lopez has emphasized that the Omer period was once very much a joyous time, realizing the concepts of freedom and liberty from Passover and transformed by the guidance of God’s revelation. It is as if all seven weeks of the Omer were a long connective celebration from Passover to Shavuot. It’s time to return to that feel. On the second night of Passover, Tuesday night, April 23, we began the 49 day journey of Counting the days and weeks of the Omer which will end on the holiday of Shavuot. 

Celebrating Our First Fruits:  Rabbi Warren Goldstein, the chief Rabbi of South Africa, gives us the recipe for returning to joy by pointing to the teachings of Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler who said one of the great transformative  goals of the Torah is to nurture us into being givers rather than takers. He also explained that giving is the foundation of all relationships, "the more you give to a person, the more you love them". This is quite a paradigm shift from the conventional wisdom that we give to those we love. Rabbi Dessler says it is exactly the reverse, "we love those to whom we give”. 

We are convinced that this is not only true for people giving to other people. When we give to our Shul we increase our feelings of love which catapults us towards the feelings of joy and jubilation.

A Bet Shalom Fundraiser
We can transform ourselves, modifying the somber notes of our calendar and actualizing the potential of Bet Shalom by giving what ever we can during the Omer. Please help us make our ends meet. We began this journey in need of $21,000 more dollars to raise in order to reach our fundraising goal of $65,000.

Our goal was to raise $500 per day, or $3,600 per week, during each of the seven weeks of the Omer.

Please count your blessings while you count the Omer and share your fruits with Bet Shalom! 


Video message from Rabbi Avi : From Passover to Shavuot

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784